7 ways to boost your mental health during a lockdown.

We have all been placed in a time out by the Universe; at least that is how I feel about being in lockdown. This period will either break us or make us. We can either use it for reflection or distraction. Some of us will become stronger, while some of us will succumb to the unfamiliarity of being locked indoors with no social interactions outside the confines of our homes. During this time it is pivotal that we take care of our mental health. Read on for 7 ways to boost your mental health during a lockdown.


To some, meditation sounds like foo foo but it actually works. I admit, the ‘some’ I speak of, was actually me-at first. Guilty as charged! Fast forward….. I have been practising meditation for some time now. It has really helped to keep my anxiety in check. There is something soothing about closing your eyes and tuning out the distractions. You do not need to be a Buddhist or high up on the spirituality chain to practise this ancient art. In its simplest form, all you have to do is close your eyes, sit in a quiet place and be still. Let your spirit do the talking. At first, it will seem weird, and your thoughts will pop up randomly, let them. Overtime your mind will become an empty slate and you will begin to tap into the silence. While meditating, feel free to have an incense of your choice burning. I love cinnamon or frankincense!

Eat healthily

You are probably eating a snack while reading this. You might want to swap that chocolate bar for a banana. I’ll wait……… Ok, now that I have your attention, read on. So, if you are like me, you work from home now, which means that you are spending more time in the house. And more time at home translates to more snacking, and frequent trips to the refrigerator (guilty as charged-again!). Increasing your consumption of fresh fruits, vegetables, and water, will help to keep your body functioning at its optimal level. A healthy body equates to a healthy mind.


Being in a lockdown is the perfect time to catch up on your reading. I would recommend getting your hands on self-help and motivational books. Because you need all the inspiration and motivation you can get at this time. These types of books offer valuable teachings, and force you to reflect on your life. They allow you to regroup and refocus. Some of the books that have helped me on my path are: ‘The Celestine Prophecy’, ‘The subtle art of not giving a f**K’, ‘Radical forgiveness’, ‘The 33 strategies of war’ and ‘The four agreements’.

Be present

It is easy for us to get caught up in what is happening in the world with the coronavirus pandemic, and understandably so. We can find ourselves glued to our television sets watching the latest developments unfold, or reading the newspapers horrific headlines. This can be detrimental to our mental health. Tune out the distractions and be present. When you find your mind wandering, find one thing to focus on. This can be as simple as looking at your fingers. Really observe them, look at how each one is different in length, the shape of your nails, and the ridges on your knuckles. Or, when you are washing your hands, be in that moment fully. How does the water feel against your skin? How does it sound trickling in the sink? Take it all in.


If you have never written in a journal before, now is a great time to start. After all, you have nothing but time on your hands. I have been journaling for a long time, and it has helped me through some of the most difficult times of my life. Journaling is a great way to document your thoughts and feelings. And a great stress reliever. You don’t need to have the writing skills of Jane Austen or J.K. Rowling to start! Who’s judging? All you need is a quiet place, and some pen and paper. You can write about anything-your aspirations, challenges, fears, what you are grateful for, the list is endless. There is no right or wrong way. You don’t have to go out and buy a fancy journal with glitter on it (unless you are obsessed with glitter, hey we all have our obsessions, no judgment here). You can simply use a scrap or a note book. Start journaling and thank me later.


Gyms are closed temporarily as governments try to curb the spread of coronavirus. Their closures serve as a good excuse for not exercising. Isn’t that right? Wrong! Just because gyms are closed doesn’t mean that we have to become couch potatoes. Exercise does not have to be a strenuous routine on a treadmill, or elliptical trainer . It can be as simple as doing squats, lifting some light weights, or doing some vigorous stretches. All of these can be done in the comfort of your living room. And depending on the type of accommodation you live in, you can even walk a few laps around your compound. So get up off your couch, and get moving! Remember, when your body is healthy, so too is your mind.


We can meditate, and eat healthily, read , be present, journal and exercise all day long. However, if we do not rest it defeats the purpose. None of us are super beings. For those of you who are Christians, it is said that even the Creator rested on the seventh day. You need to rest so that your mind gets a break from what is happening globally. You can choose to sleep, or lie on the couch or bed doing absolutely nothing. The choice is yours.

I believe that if you put these 7 things into practise, you will begin to see a positive shift in your mood and overall mental health. If I am being authentic, I have not perfected all 7 practices. I am a work in progress but aren’t we all? Comment in the comment section. What are some of the things that you are doing to boost your mental health during this lockdown? In the words of Mandy Hale, remember that ‘ it’s not selfish to love yourself, take care of yourself, and to make your happiness a priority. It’s necessary’.